What is required to become a licensed security guard in Houston, TX?

What is required to become a licensed security guard in Houston, TX?

What is required to become a licensed security guard in Houston, TX?

Becoming a Licensed Security Guard in Houston, TX
What is the role of a security guard in Houston, TX? .
So, you're interested in becoming a licensed security guard in Houston, TX? Well, it's not as complicated as you might think (but it ain't a walk in the park either!). Let's break down what's really required to get you started on this new career path.

First things first—education. You don't need to have a fancy degree to become a security guard. In fact, most positions only require a high school diploma or GED. Phew! That’s one less thing to worry about, right?

Next up is training. Now, this part is crucial and can't be skipped. Texas has specific guidelines for the training that each prospective security guard must undergo. You’ll need to complete a Level II Training Course which covers the basics like ethics, report writing, patrolling techniques and emergency response procedures (doesn’t sound too hard). This course has to be taken at an approved training school – so make sure you pick one from the list provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).

After you've completed your training, you'll have to pass an exam administered by DPS. The test isn't terribly difficult but does require some studying - don’t expect to just wing it! Once you pass this exam, you'll receive your Level II Non-Commissioned Security Officer License.

But wait! There's more steps involved before you're ready for duty (as they say). You’re going to need undergo fingerprinting and a background check. This state wants to make sure they’re not putting someone with criminal records into such positions of responsibility - makes sense doesn’t it? You'll have to submit your fingerprints electronically through IdentoGO and pay any associated fees.

Oh yes!, speaking of fees... Becoming licensed isn’t free unfortunately. There are costs involved throughout different stages of the process including application fees for submitting paperwork with DPS and payment for fingerprint processing services among others (make sure you budget accordingly).

Finally after all those hurdles (and let’s face it there were quite few), comes waiting game – It can take some time for everything get processed; patience would definitely come handy here!

To sum up: To become licensed security guard in Houston TX requires completing necessary education requirements followed by extensive training course mandated State laws passing requisite exams undergoing thorough background checks ensuring clean record paying various administrative related charges waiting patiently approval documents being processed eventually receiving coveted license enabling embark exciting career field providing safety protection others around us!

See? It's doable if not exactly easy-peasy lemon squeezy! Good luck on your journey toward becoming an indispensable protector of peace and order!

security guard houston tx